WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-NEOGASTROPODA [Order]-CONOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: CLATHURELLIDAE (Sea)
click for details 1101304205 2120750000 2120750015 2120750020 2120750025 2120750035 2120800000 2120800005 2120850000 2120900005 2120900010 2120950000 2120950005 2120950010 2120950015 2120950020 2120950025 2120950030 2120950035 2120950045 2120950055 2120950060 2120950065 2120950075 2120950080 2121000000 2121000010 2121100000 2121100005 2121100015 2121104000 2121104005 2121104010 2121104030 2121104035 2121104050 2121104060 2121104080 2122364010 2123100005 2123100015 2123100020 2123100025 2123700045 2123800005 2123800015 2123800030 2123800045 2123800065 2123800070 2123800080 2123804000 2124900010 2124900015 2124900020 2128800155 2128800805 2128802685 2128802925 2128802945 2128803015 2128803045 2128803135 2128803165 2128803225 2128804825 2128804865 2128804895 2128804905 2128805535 2128806195 2128806285 2128806305 2128806315 2128806325 2128806365 2128806475 2128807795 2128807815 2128807865 2128807885 2128808005 2128808015 2128808055 2128808125 2128809205 2128810695 2128810745 2128811725 2128812155 2128813515 2128815165 2128817075 2128817305 2128817585 2128817625 2128818995 2128820165 2128823089 2128823269 2140012918 2140013038 2140013221 5346000072 5364000552 5364000769 6494000099 2140012898 5364000772 5346001538 5346001539 5346001540 5364000780 5364000781 5364000804 5364000889 5364000911 5364000932 5364000933 5364000935 5364000936 5364000937 5364000938 5364000939 5364000940 6460000039 6460000040 6460000041 6460000042 6460000048 6460000049 6460000050 6476000027 6460000052 6460000054 6460000055 6494000100 6494000170 6494000187 6494000200 6494000201 8038001120 8038001333

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 291 from a total of 413

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 16/ott/2017