WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

------ Family: LOPHOSPIRIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5601000018 5601000019 5601000020 5601000021 5601000022 5601000023 5601000025 5601000026 5601000029 5601000032 5601000033 5601000034 5601000037 5601000038 5601000039 5601000040 5601000041 5601000042 5601000043 5601000044 5601000046 5601000047 5601000048 5601000049 5601000050 5601000052 5601000053 5601000054 5601000055 5601000057 5601000058 5601000060 5601000061 5601000062 5601000063 5601000064 5601000066 5601000067 5601000069 5601000070 5601000074 5601000075 5601000076 5601000077 5601000078 5601000082 5601000083 5601000085 5601000088 5601000090 5601000094 5601000095 5601000096 5601000097 5601000098 5601000099 5601000100 5601000103 5601000104 5601000107 5601000108 5601000109 5601000110 5601000112 5601000113 5601000115 5601000120 5601000122 5601000124 5601000125 5601000131 5601000132 5601000135 5601000136 5601000137 5601000139 5601000141 5601000142 5601000146 5601000147 5601000148 5601000150 5601000153 5601000154 5601000155 5601000157 5601000159 5601000161 5601000162 5601000171 5601000175 5601000177 5601000178 5601000179 5601000180 5601000189 5601000192 5601000193 5601000194 5601000199 5601000201 5601000202 5601000204 5601000205 5601000210 5601000211 5601000213 5601000214 5601000216 5601000217 5601000219 5601000220 5601000225 5601000226 5601000227 5601000228 5601000229 5601000230 5601000233 5601000235 5601000237 5601000239 5601000243 5601000245 5601000246 5601000247 5601000249 5601000254 5601000255 5870000289 5870000290 7266000001 7266000007

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 216 from a total of 247

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 27/ago/2017