WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

------ Family: MURCHISONIIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5853000039 5853000040 5853000042 5853000043 5853000044 5853000045 5853000046 5853000048 5853000050 5853000051 5853000055 5853000059 5853000060 5853000064 5853000065 5853000067 5853000072 5853000075 5853000076 5853000079 5853000080 5853000082 5853000084 5853000086 5853000088 5853000091 5853000092 5853000094 5853000095 5853000097 5853000098 5853000100 5853000101 5853000103 5853000106 5853000113 5853000115 5853000116 5853000117 5853000118 5853000120 5853000121 5853000122 5853000123 5853000125 5853000129 5853000131 5853000132 5853000134 5853000136 5853000141 5853000144 5853000145 5853000146 5853000148 5853000152 5853000155 5853000157 5853000158 5853000169 5853000171 5853000176 5853000177 5853000178 5853000180 5853000181 5853000183 5853000190 5853000191 5853000192 5853000193 5853000194 5853000195 5853000196 5853000197 5853000201 5853000202 5853000203 5853000205 5853000207 5853000208 5853000215 5853000216 5853000218 5853000220 5853000221 5853000223 5853000225 5853000227 5853000236 5853000240 5853000241 5853000242 5853000245 5853000246 5853000253 5853000254 5853000260 5853000263 5853000264 5853000271 5853000273 5853000274 5853000281 5853000282 5853000284 5853000286 5853000288 5853000290 5853000295 5853000299 5853000308 5853000309 5853000313 5853000315 5853000320 5853000321 5853000324 5853000329 5853000330 5853000332 5853000333 5853000337 5853000338 5853000341 5853000344 5853000349 5853000354 5853000357 5853000371 5853000372 5853000374 5853000377 5853000379 5853000380 5853000382 5853000387 5901000038 5901000039 5901000041 5901000042 5870000265 5870000292 5870000293 5870000295 5870000308 7264000001 8054000006

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 291 from a total of 377

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 27/ago/2017