WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: PROTOBRANCHIA [Subclass]-NUCULANIDA [Order]-NUCULANOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: NUCULANIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5200000030 5200000035 5200000045 5200000050 7016000001 5200100000 5200100005 5200100035 5200100045 5200100050 5200100055 5200100070 5200100100 5200100115 5200100125 5200100130 5200100170 5200100175 5200100185 5200100190 5200100215 5200100220 5200100225 5200100270 5200100275 5200104000 5200104005 5200104010 5200104025 5200104075 5200104095 5200104110 5200104140 5200104170 5200200000 5200200015 5200350000 5200350020 5200350028 5200350036 5200350076 5200350108 5200350156 5200350188 5200350212 5200350220 5200350252 5200350284 5200350316 5200350348 5200350372 5200350412 5200350500 5200350508 5200350540 5200350620 5200350628 5200350636 5200350660 5200350676 5200350684 5200350688 5200350694 5200350697 5200350702 5200350707 5220454240 5220454248 7016000003 7016000004 7016000006 7016000014 7016000017 7016000022 7016000038 7016000040 7016000044 7016000047 7016000049 7022000004 7020000003 7020000037 7020000057 7162000031 7162000032 7162000035 5200200010 5200100060 5200350612 5200100210 5200100265 5200000015 5200350700 7410000002 7410000003 7410000004 7408000032 7408000033 7408000034 7408000035 7408000036 7408000037 7408000038 7408000039 7408000040 7408000043 7408000045 7408000046 7408000047 7408000048 7408000203 7408000267 7408000268 7408000269 7408000270 7408000271 7408000273 7408000276 7408000277 7408000278 7408000281 7408000283 7408000284 7408000285 7408000287 7408000288 7408000289 7408000292 7408000293 7408000294 7408000295 7408000296 7408000300 7408000301 7408000302 7408000306 7408000308 7408000309 7408000318 7408000321 7408000325 7408000328 7408000331 7408000336 7408000337 7408000341 7408000342 7408000344 7408000347 7408000349 7408000350 7408000356 7408000358 7408000359 7408000360 7408000361 7408000363 7408000365 7408000367 7408000368 7408000369 7408000371 7408000372 7408000375 7408000376 7408000378 7408000380 7408000382 7408000383 7408000391 7408000397 7408000398 7408000399 7408000400 7408000402 7408000403 7408000405 7408000406 7408000407 7408000409 7408000410 7408000411 7408000412 7408000414 7408000415 7408000416 7408000417 7408000419 7408000422 7408000423 7408000424 7408000425 7408000426 7408000427 7408000429 7408000430 7408000431 7408000432 7408000433 7408000436 7408000437 7408000438 7408000439 7408000440 7408000445 7408000447 7408000448 7408000452 7408000455 7408000456 7408000457 7408000458 7408000460 7408000462 7408000464 7408000470 7408000471 7408000473 7408000474 7408000477 7408000479 7408000483 7408000486 7408000492 7408000494 7408000497 7408000502 7408000503 7408000504 7408000505 7408000509 7408000511 7408000515 7408000517 7408000520 7408000521 7408000522 7408000523 7408000524 7408000525 7408000526 7408000527 7408000528 7408000529 7408000530 7408000533 7408000534 7408000535 7410000039 7410000093 7410000113 7410000119 7410000132 7410000134 7410000136 7410000139 7410000141 7410000142 7410000148 7410000152 7410000155 7410000156 7410000158 7410000159 7410000169 7666000101 7666000113 7666000117

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 446 from a total of 612

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 16/ott/2017