WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: HETEROBRANCHIA [Subclass] - PULMONATA [Infraclass] - HYGROPHILA [Order] - PLANORBOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: PLANORBIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 (Freshwater)
--------- SubFamily: BULININAE
------------ Genus: Bulinus O.F. Müller, 1781
--------------- Species: Bulinus africanus C.F.F. von Krauss, 1848 - ID: 3680154020
Congo, Pointe Noire  Map center:  S: 4° 46' 37'' E: 11° 50' 27''  - Grid: 5° - click to open
Additional DB records:
  • Congo, Democratic, Barumba
  • Congo, Democratic, Brook the Falls, Stanleyville Kisangani
  • Congo, Democratic, Dilolo Katanga
  • Congo, Democratic, Elizabethville
  • Congo, Democratic, Faradje
  • Congo, Democratic, Lubumbashi River, Lubumbashi
  • Congo, Democratic, Lukonzolwa, Lake Moero
  • Congo, Democratic, Stanleyville Kisangani
  • Congo, Democratic, Wangerma, Elizabethville
  • Congo, Democratic, Wangermu, Elizabethville
  • Magois Brit East Africa
  • South Africa, Cape of Good Hope
  • South Africa, Durban
  • South Africa, Inchanga, Natal
  • South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal
  • South Africa, Natal, Durban
  • South Africa, Unchanga
  • Zambia, Namwalla, Kafue river flats
  • Suggested links:
    http://clade.ansp.org http://www.discoverlife.org
    Please email your image to: Claudio Galli - last updated: 28/ago/2017