WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: HETEROBRANCHIA [Subclass] - PULMONATA [Infraclass] - STYLOMMATOPHORA [Order] - CAMAENOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: CAMAENIDAE Pilsbry, 1895 (Land)
--------- SubFamily: CAMAENINAE
------------ Genus: Amphidromus J.A. Albers, 1850
--------------- Species: Amphidromus metabletus O.F. von Möllendorff, 1900 - ID: 4496704356
Vietnam - 39 mm Map center:  N: 11° 43' 8'' E: 109° 1' 8''  - Grid: 5° - click to open
Additional DB records:
  • Vietnam. North of Saigon - 47.4 mm
  • Vietnam, Nha Trang - 45 mm
  • Suggested links:
    http://www.conchology.be http://www.femorale.com.br http://www.discoverlife.org

    ------------------ Sub or form: Amphidromus metabletus flava O.F. von Möllendorff, 1901 - ID: 4496710012
    Vietnam - 38,5 mm Map center:  N: 11° 43' 8'' E: 109° 1' 8''  - Grid: 5° - click to open
    Suggested links:

    ------------------ Sub or form: Amphidromus metabletus pachycheilus O.F. von Möllendorff, 1901 - ID: 4496710970
    Vietnam - 38,2 mm Map center:  N: 11° 43' 8'' E: 109° 1' 8''  - Grid: 5° - click to open
  • Amphidromus metabletus pachycilus O.F. von Möllendorff, 1901
  • Additional DB records:
  • Vietnam, Annam
  • Vietnam, Cam Ranh Bay
  • Vietnam, Mother & Child Mountain Annam
  • Vietnam, South Annam
  • Suggested links:
    http://clade.ansp.org http://www.conchology.be http://www.femorale.com.br

    ------------------ Sub or form: Amphidromus metabletus pachycheilus alba O.F. von Möllendorff, 1901 - ID: 4496710004
    Vietnam, Saigon - 43,4 mm Map center:  N: 10° 49' 41'' E: 106° 34' 51''  - Grid: 5° - click to open
    Suggested links:
    http://www.conchology.be http://www.femorale.com.br

    ------------------ Sub or form: Amphidromus metabletus trizona O.F. von Möllendorff, 1901 - ID: 4496710971
    Vietnam - 38,4 mm Map center:  N: 11° 43' 8'' E: 109° 1' 8''  - Grid: 5° - click to open
    Suggested links:
    Wrong data? please email to: Claudio Galli - last updated: 27/ago/2017