WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: PTERIOMORPHIA [Subclass]-ARCIDA [Order]-ARCOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: ARCIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5270000005 5270000010 5270000025 5270000030 5270000035 5270000045 5270000050 5270000055 5270000060 5270000065 5270000075 5270000085 7028000001 5270004000 5270100000 5270100005 5270100010 5270100015 5270150000 5270150005 5270150010 5270150015 5270150025 5270150035 5270150045 5270150050 5270150060 5270150065 5270150070 5270150075 5270150085 5270150090 5270150095 5270150105 5270150115 5270150120 5270150155 5270150160 5270150165 5270150175 5270150185 5270150190 5270150195 5270150200 5270154005 5270154030 5270154035 5270500000 5270500005 5270550010 5270550020 5270550030 5270550040 5270550045 5270550060 5270550070 5270550075 5270550080 5270550085 5270550090 5270550105 5270550110 5270550115 5270550125 5270550130 5270550135 5270550140 5270550155 5270550165 5270550170 5270550180 5270550185 5270554005 5270554015 5270554020 5270554025 5270554055 5270554065 5271000000 5271000005 5271000010 5271000020 5271000030 5271000055 5271000060 5271000065 5271000070 5271100000 5271154000 5271250000 5271250008 5271250016 5271250104 5271250144 5271250184 5271250200 5271250280 5271250288 5271250296 5271250352 5271250384 5271250424 5271250464 5271250472 5271250480 5271250488 5271250544 5271250560 5271250576 5271250632 5271250672 5271250712 5271250720 5271250728 5271250752 5271250856 5271250864 5271250872 5271250896 5271250908 5271250912 5271250945 5271250951 5271250955 5271250965 5271250967 5271250969 5271250973 5271250974 5271250981 7028000003 7028000004 7028000011 7028000012 7028000017 7028000027 7028000035 7028000036 7028000039 7028000040 7028000042 7028000047 7028000058 7028000059 7028000061 7028000070 7180000005 7180000008 7180000012 7180000015 7436000335 7436000503 7436000506 7436000550 7436000121 7436000122 7436000124 7436000127 7436000128 7436000129 7436000130 7436000131 7436000132 7436000134 7436000135 7436000140 7436000143 7436000145 7436000147 7436000149 7436000150 7436000153 7436000154 7436000156 7436000157 7436000158 7436000161 7436000164 7436000167 7436000170 7436000172 7436000173 7436000174 7436000187 7436000190 7436000195 7436000199 7436000200 7436000202 7436000204 7436000219 7436000222 7436000230 7436000233 7436000236 7436000238 7436000245 7436000249 7436000255 7436000256 7436000257 7436000258 7436000260 7436000264 7436000265 7436000266 7436000267 7436000270 7436000272 7436000278 7436000279 7436000280 7436000284 7436000304 7436000305 7436000307 7436000310 7436000311 7436000313 7436000319 7436000326 7436000330 7436000337 7436000338 7436000341 7436000346 7436000349 7436000353 7436000356 7436000360 7436000363 7436000364 7436000366 7436000369 7436000370 7436000371 7436000375 7436000377 7436000378 7436000384 7436000388 7436000393 7436000394 7436000395 7436000396 7436000399 7436000404 7436000405 7436000407 7436000411 7436000415 7436000423 7436000430 7436000441 7436000446 7436000451 7436000454 7436000455 7436000456 7436000457 7436000458 7436000459 7436000462 7436000464 7436000475 7436000481 7436000485 7436000486 7436000493 7436000496 7436000498 7436000504 7436000523 7436000528 7436000536 7436000538 7436000542 7436000557 7436000568 7436000571 7436000576 7436000579 7436000592 7436000610 7436000627 7452000116 7452000117 7452000123 7452000128 7452000148 7452000176 7452000182 7452000183 7452000185 7452000186 7452000187 7452000193 7452000201 7452000202 7452000236 7452000239

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 660 from a total of 823

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/nov/2017